
After something close to one year and a half in Vietnam, it’s time for me to say good bye. I am not moving very far - Hong Kong is just a short flight away.
The least I can say is that this stint in Hanoi has been quite an experience and I’ve discovered so much about Vietnamese culture in the countryside, which I truly adored for its landscapes and for the generosity of its people.
Birthday & Dialogue (sur Terre)

Last week I had the pleasure to welcome a very unusual group in my place for a few days: the ‘Dialogue sur Terre’ team.
They’re a group of four (Audrey, with whom I spent a year in Singapore; Ludovic; Mariette and Guillaume) who took a year off to travel around the globe - but not for tourism. In every country they go to, they stop for 10 days in a remote village to mix with the locals, understand how they live and study the environmental impact.